Friday, August 26, 2016

Create a contact group

Use a contact group (formerly called a “distribution list”) to send an email to multiple people—a project team, a committee, or even just a group of friends—without having to add each name each time you want to write them. To create contact group:
  1. On the Navigation bar, click People.
    • For Outlook 2013: People
    • For Outlook 2016: People
  2. Under My Contacts, pick where you want to add the contact group. For this example, click Contacts.
  3. Click Home > New Contact Group.
  4. On the Contact Group tab, in the Name box, type a name for the group.
  5. Click Add Members, and then add people from your address book or contacts list.
    Add members to a new group
    NOTE:  To add someone who is not in your address book or contactscreate or add a person as a contact.
  6. Click Save and Close.
    To learn how to use your new contact group, see Send an email message to a contact group.

See Also