Friday, August 5, 2016

MS Excel 2003: Apply a filter to an existing filter

Question: In Excel 2003/XP/2000/97, after I've sorted my data and I'm in 'filter mode' (the numbers are highlighted in blue), is there a way that I can actually save that filtered data and filter it again (perhaps in 'auto filter') without losing my original filter? (ie. If I've filtered data lines 1-5 and the final results show lines 1,2 and 5 , can I filter again and not have lines 3 and 4 show up?)
Answer: To apply one filter and then another filter without losing the original filter, select a cell within the data that you wish to filter. Under the Data menu, select Filter > AutoFilter.
Microsoft Excel
Next, apply your first filter. In this example, we've selected to filter by "Boston Crab Meat" as the product.
Microsoft Excel
In our example, we see only 3 rows where the product is Boston Crab Meat.
Next, apply your second filter. We've selected an Order ID of 10267. This second filter takes the filtered data and applies a second filter to this data.
Microsoft Excel
Now our spreadsheet will display only those rows whose product is Boston Crab Meat and whose Order ID is 10267.
Microsoft Excel